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10 Inspiring Videos for Zero Waste to Landfill Movement

Have you ever heard about zero waste to landfill before? So what do you think when you hear the word? Do you imagine about landfills without waste? Nowadays, there are so many large companies around the world are implementing the concept of zero waste to landfill.

So why does Zero Waste to Landfill become very important in recent years? Zero waste to landfill is a movement to reduce and even stop the disposal of waste in landfills. This movement is intended so that no more waste is piled up without any further waste processing.

Then what we have to do to realize zero waste to landfill movement? There are several effective ways that can be done, such as doing segregate waste, recycling waste, reusing items that can still be used, and later doing composting from organic waste.

Maybe this sounds very easy to do, but to be able to achieve zero waste to landfill we need the support from many people, discipline and continuously, and also takes a relatively long time.

Therefore, as a reference and motivation for you to participate in this movement, we will review some videos that give you more information about zero waste to landfill movement.

1. How San Francisco Becoming A Zero Waste City

How San Francisco Becoming A Zero Waste City

The city of San Francisco, known for its Golden Bridge is a city that is the center of culture, economy, and trade in northern California. In 2020, San Francisco has the ambition to become a zero waste city.

This video shows the sorting, recycling and composting process of waste in the main factory where all the waste in San Francisco is collected and recycled.

Since 2009, San Francisco has begun to enact regulations that require all citizens to sort their waste into recycled waste, organic waste that can be used as compost, and waste that cannot be recycled.

With the enactment of this policy, 80% of the waste in this city can be recycled and does not end up in a landfill. San Francisco which succeeded in processing their waste attracted other countries throughout the world. Many government representatives came to the factory to see and learn about their waste processing.

Not only their recycling equipment that is very sophisticated, San Francisco also has one of the most modern composting tools in America. With this tool, they can produce large amounts of compost which has been used by 300 vineyards there.


2. A Day in My Life with Zero Waste

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A Day in My Life with Zero Waste

A Day in My Life with Zero Waste video tells is about Stevie Van Horn daily life. She lives in New York City and decided to do zero waste lifestyle since 2015. Stevie told about her experience since the first time doing zero waste lifestyle, and right until now.

She also mentioned some difficulty that she has to face while implementing a zero waste lifestyle. During the interview, she taught how to make homemade toothpaste that is safe for the environment.

One interesting statement from Stevie that may influence you to start doing zero waste lifestyle is that being a zero waste is very easy when we are used to it.


3. How Sweden is Turning Its Waste into Gold

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How Sweden is Turning Its Waste into Gold

This video shows how waste is being processed in Sweden. In this video, we can see how the people there are accustomed to segregate waste regularly.

Not only that, interestingly this video show how waste is not only can be processed for recycling, but there are also several types of non-recyclable waste that will be processed as power plant materials.

Even, Sweden has to import its waste from other countries in Europe to be able to meet its electricity needs.


4. Japan’s Town with No Waste

Japan’s Town with No Waste

Japan is known for their cleanliness and their tidy lifestyle. Even one of the cleanest cities in the world exists in this country. This city name Kamikatsu, a zero waste city.

This short video that only lasts 4 minutes, surely will inspire you to start living without producing waste. In this video, it is shown how Kamikatsu citizens work together to create a healthy and zero waste environment. Kamikatsu has the vision to become a city with 100% zero waste in 2020.

Surprisingly to achieve that goal, they have to segregate their waste really detail. They categorizing their waste into 45 types to make sure all of their waste will not end up in the landfill.


5. 10 Ways to Reduce Waste | Zero Waste for Beginners

10 Ways to Reduce Waste

Just like its title, this video explains how to reduce the amount of waste, especially for beginners. The methods that are described by the speaker is very easy and do not require a hard effort to change our bad habit in producing waste.

Other than the tips that are very useful for you, this video also discusses good waste management. The speaker emphasized the effective ways for waste management by using a method called 5R, which are refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot (composting).


6. Plastic-Free: One Month Without Using Single-Use Plastics | Now this

Plastic-Free: One Month Without Using Single-Use Plastics

This video is mandatory to watch because the content is very good, interesting, and inspiring. This video not only shows the story of a person who joined the 1-month program without plastic, but this video also provides facts and tips related to waste management, especially plastic waste.

Even though this video is only 11 minutes long, you will get lots of interesting information and facts that will surprise you which is about the dangers of using disposable plastic.


7. Zero Waste Living: A Growing Movement of Aims To Send Nothing To The Landfill | NBC Nightly News

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Zero Waste Living: A Growing Movement of Aims To Send Nothing To The Landfill

This video shows a daily life of a blogger named Kathryn Kellogg who also participated in implementing a zero waste lifestyle. We can see her daily activities such as shopping, cooking, even doing her home activities without producing any waste.

For the past 4 years, Kathryn has begun to focus on reducing and recycling all of her waste so that she can produce a little waste as possible. As a blogger, he also tries to inspire his readers to start doing zero waste movement.


8. We Tried to Make Zero Trash in Our Beauty Routines for A Week

We Tried to Make Zero Trash in Our Beauty Routines for A Week

Beauty products are one of the products that seem difficult to reduce especially for you who want to start doing zero waste lifestyle. But in the video published by Ladylike, we can see that using waste-free beauty products is very easy and possible to do.

This video shows us about the experience of 3 women who tried to use zero waste beauty products for a week. Not only introducing any zero waste starter kit that can be used to change your beauty product, this video also provides some recipes for you if you want to make your own beauty products at home to reduce cosmetic waste.


9. Zero Waste Shopping

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Zero Waste Shopping

The Zero Waste Shopping video teaches us how to shop efficiently without the use and produce any plastic waste. This can be done by carrying a large bag for large-sized groceries, small bags for small food items, and napkins to wrap the bread that we want to buy.

Not only that, this Youtube channel also focusing on creating zero-waste video content to influence people. So don’t forget to watch it!


10. What Happens to Your Recycling after It’s Collected?

What Happens to Your Recycling after It’s Collected?

Reduce, reuse and recycle becomes 3 important methods to protect our environment with the amount of waste that is getting massive and problematic now. But where is all of the waste that we have recycled so far?

This video shows a continuous process of the recycled waste that we already segregate before. This video took place at a waste processing plant in New York City, where all of our used plastic bottles and cans are collected and processed continuously.


After you watch these videos, have you felt inspired to do zero waste lifestyle? As for those of you who already started reducing your waste and regularly segregate waste, you will certainly think about the next process of the waste that you have already segregated.

What should you do with those disaggregated waste? In need for a responsible and segregated waste collection service? Waste4Change can be the right solution. Waste4Change provides waste management services that support zero waste to landfill (ZWTL) program.

Waste4Change does not only accept residential waste collect to solve your residential waste problem, but we also provide commercial waste collect for company/restaurant/business/building.

By collecting waste periodically and transparent information about the waste sorting data that you do, Waste4Change can be the right solution for your waste management services. Waste that has been collected will then be transported disaggregated and managed wisely.

To give convenience to its customers, Waste4Change provide waste collection services in Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Depok and Bekasi areas. For more information about the services that we provide, you can check on our website

Read the article in Indonesian version in here.

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