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Waste Credit Service by Waste4Change: Why Your Company Should Consider It?

According to data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry 2015, Indonesia produces 175,000 tons of waste each day and 24,500 tons of it is plastic waste. 

A research by TPST Benua Hijau Tangerang also shows that only 56.6% of the type of plastic is possible to be recycled while 43.4% consists of plastic that cannot be recycled. Multilayer plastic packaging (MLP) or popularly known as sachet packaging and labels from packaging bottles are examples of plastic waste that cannot be recycled.

Introducing Our Brand New Services: Waste Credit by Waste4Change

It couldn’t be denied, waste is still becoming an issue in Indonesia. The waste problem, as well as the existence of waste that cannot be recycled, are the main background behind Waste4Change’s newest service, Waste Credit that allows more waste to be collected and recycled from the environment.

This launch of this service is inspired by RePurpose Global, a company from the United States who has implemented the same credit scheme formerly. It’s not far different from the Carbon Credit concept, which has been better known internationally. Waste Credit also enables institutions to buy credits in order to financially support and accelerate projects that recover and recycle waste, especially those that are difficult to recycle.

Having a chance to conduct an interview with the Head of Digital Partnership Service of Waste4Change, Rizky Ambardi explained several things related to the Waste Credit service by Waste4Change.

Rizky Ambardi, Head of Digital Partnership Service Waste4Change

How Does Waste Credit Work?

Through Waste Credit service, clients are able to collect and recycle more waste using 2 available methods as follows:

1. Material Recovery

In order to recycle more waste and target specific types of waste, this is how Material Recovery method works: 

  • Waste will be collected from waste banks, recycling agents, and TPS3R.
  • We will collect and process the waste so that it’s ready to be recycled
  • The sorted waste material will be sent to the recycling industry
  • We will report the waste journey to the client

Types of waste collected from this method can be: Multilayer plastic, used beverage cartons (UBC), used cooking oil, cardboard waste, etc.

2. Water Cleanup

For companies that also want to contribute to waste cleaning in water areas, the Water Cleanup method can be an option. This is how Water Cleanup method works: 

  • Waste is collected from rivers or the sea coast within the designated area.
  • The collected waste will be recovered and sorted in our facility
  • We’ll send the sorted waste to the recycling industry
  • We’ll be reporting the waste recycled and before-after condition of the river and the sea coast. 
Water Cleanup Method. Source: Waste4Change

The waste collected from those methods above will be processed according to the type and agreement with the client. For recyclable waste, we will send it to the recycling industry, while for residual waste or those that are difficult to recycle, we will process it into refuse-derived fuel (RDF) to become a source of energy for cement making or returned to the landfill to minimize the impact on the environment.

What Will The Client Get From Waste Credit Service?

As a responsible waste management company, Waste4Change, through its Waste Credit service, will ensure transparency of information to clients regarding all processes taken, including the waste collection, management, and reporting processes that are carried out responsibly.

Through the Waste Credit service, clients will also get: 1). Waste journey report and 2). Certificate of waste processing. 

Rizky Ambardi added that Waste Credit’s Waste4Change service also collaborates with rePurpose Global and is also recognised as its Impact Partner (Verified Plastic Credit Provider).  Due to this condition, we are also required to have such good standards to ensure that all of the processes are properly, correctly and responsibly executed. 

What Type of Companies Are Suitable for Waste Credit Service?

The Waste Credit Service is highly recommended for companies who use a lot of plastic waste in their products, such as Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies. However, not only FMCG companies, cosmetic and personal care manufacturers, to environmental organizations both local and international can also contribute to the environment through the Waste Credit service.

It doesn’t stop there, if your company also prioritizes sustainability and wants to contribute to the implementation of a circular economy, Waste Credit services can be an option. Now, your company can contribute to the environment by helping producers collect and recycle more waste. Get the proposal now via

Read the Indonesian version in here.

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