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5 Regulations Regarding Waste in Indonesia that You Need to Know

On 28th of October 2018, President Joko Widodo announced the Presidential Regulation No. 97 of 2017, which becomes a road map for 2025 Clean-from-Waste Indonesia.

In order to realize that mission, government, business actors, as well as society in general have the obligations to formulate working programs that are in line with, and support Indonesia to be free from waste in 2025.

Every person is responsible to manage the waste that they produce. Therefore, both producers and consumers should be aware of, and understand the regulations that govern about waste issues in Indonesia, in addition to the Presidential Regulation No. 97 that has been mentioned beforehand.

Some of the regulations are as follow:

1. Government Regulation No. 81 of 2012 regarding The Management of Domestic Waste and Domestic Waste Equivalents 

Article 10 of the Government Regulation No. 81/2012 states that every person is obliged to reduce and manage the volume of their waste, and this includes the reduction, recycling, and reuse of the waste.

Waste reduction can be done by using reusable materials or collecting and dropping off the waste packaging that has been used.

Whereas articles 12 and 13 oblige producers to limit and recycle their waste by formulating a supporting plan/program, creating a product with easily degradable packaging, and/or withdrawing the waste that originated from both the product and the packaging in order to be recycled.

Contoh kemasan dengan bahan yang merupakan hasil daur ulang. Sumber:
Example of packaging made from recycled materials. Source:

On the other hand, article 14 obliges producers to reuse waste either by using raw production materials that are reusable or withdrawing the waste that originated from both the product and the packaging in order to be reused.

2. Ministry of Public Work Regulation No. 3 of 2013 Regarding The Provision of Facilities and Infrastructure to Handle Domestic Waste and Domestic Waste Equivalents 

In the Ministerial Regulation No.3/2013, the definitions of TPS, TPA, and TPS3R, which might still be ambiguous for the general public, are explained consecutively.

Temporary Waste Disposal Area, abbreviated as TPS, is a place to accommodate waste before they are brought to the recycling, processing, and/or the integrated waste treatment facility.

The temporary waste disposal area has to fulfill certain technical criteria, such as the availability of waste segregation facility, as well as the temporary nature of the waste collection site.

This means that it will be even better if people have already segregated their waste before they are sent to the Temporary Waste Disposal Area.

Contoh TPS 3R. Sumber:
Example of TPS 3R. Source:

As for the 3R Waste Treatment Facility (TPS 3R), is where the collection, segregation, reuse and recycling process take place.

The operation of the waste treatment facility includes processing of organic waste, recycling of inorganic waste, treatment of domestic and hazardous waste, as well as a collection of residual waste to be transported into the final processing place known as TPA.

Last not but not least, the Final Processing Place or TPA is where the waste is processed and then returned safely to the environment without damaging both humans and the environment itself.

Waste that is allowed to enter the TPA is domestic waste, domestic waste equivalents, and residual waste.

3. Presidential Regulation No. 97 of 2017 regarding Indonesian National Strategy Policy on Managing Domestic  Waste and Domestic Waste Equivalents 

The Presidential Regulation No. 97/2017 becomes a road map for the 2025 Clean-from-Waste Indonesia. The National Strategy Policy, which is abbreviated as Jakstranas includes improving the management and reduction of domestic waste and domestic waste equivalents.

Indonesia Bersih Sampah 2025

The target of Jakstranas is 30% reduction of waste production from the source as well as processing 70% of the waste in 2025. Jakstranas is aligned with the national long term development plan and the medium term development plan. It also serves as a guideline in formulating regional policies and strategies at the provincial and district level.

4. Government Regulation No. 101 of 2014 Regarding Hazardous Waste Management 

Besides the management of domestic waste and domestic waste equivalents, there also exists a regulation on Hazardous Waste management, also known as B3.

It is stated that every person who generates hazardous waste has the obligation to manage, reduce, store, collect, and process the said waste. In addition, every person who generates hazardous waste should possess an environmental permit.

5. Law No. 8 of 2008 Regarding the Management of Municipal Solid Waste

According to Law no. 18/2008, the management of MSW consists of waste reduction and wastehandling. Waste reduction includes the activities of limitation of waste generation, recycling of waste and/or re-using of waste.

In carrying out activities, all actors utilize materials for production that produced minimum waste, that is reusable, and recyclable, and/or is easy to be decomposed by natural process.

The objective of Law no.18/2008 is to increase public health and environmental quality as well as to utilize waste as a resource. In addition, the law also highlights the government’s focus on the 3Rs policy.

All in all, the law makes it clear that waste management is a shared responsibility of all parties, be it individual, community, business, as well as government.

The Importance of Responsible Waste Management

Every person, be it consumers or producers, have the responsibility to manage their waste. A good waste management is very crucial to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills (Zero Waste to Landfill) as well as to support the realization of circular economy.

Waste4Change provides Responsible Waste Management service that consists of waste segregation, collection, as well as report on the comprehensive waste management flow.

Besides applying the concept of waste segregation, Waste4Change cooperates with recycling partners to ensure that no waste will end up in landfill (Zero Waste to Landfill).

Moreover, companies or business actors who are considering to improve the waste management on their offices/buildings and in need of a detailed report and consultation can utilized Waste4Change’s service called the Solid Waste Management Research.


In need of a responsible and segregated waste collection service? Do not hesitate to reach us at Waste4Change

Read the article in Indonesian version in here.

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